Slope Intercept Form y=mx+b Foldable
Yesterday, I finally introduced my Algebra 1 students to slope intercept form using a new y=mx+b foldable that I created. .
I have had several students who have been really anxious to get to this part of the chapter. These are students who are taking Algebra 1 for the second time or have moved in from another school district. Most of my students, however, have never seen this equation before in their lives.
Last Saturday, as I was “teaching” Saturday School, I came up with the idea for this foldable. I say “teaching” because all I really did was help one student with EOI practice questions and teach two other students how to do KenKen puzzles. (And, if you haven’t signed up for the KenKen teachers program, you totally should. They will e-mail you a ton of new puzzles each week! I like to use these for early finishers or that class that finishes ten minutes faster than all of your other classes. It is great mental math practice which is something my students definitely need. And, it’s building their critical thinking skills. All the students I have done them with so far have loved them. I always start them off on 3 X 3 puzzles, and they will let you know when they are ready to go up to a larger puzzle!)
I want to say that this y=mx+b foldable is original. But, I so rarely come up with something that is completely my own. So if it’s not original and you came up with this, please let me know so I can link back to a source.
The inside of the tabs remind students what the m and b stand for in slope-intercept form.
This is the actual color of paper I used. I don’t know why it didn’t come through in all my pictures.
I used this lesson as an opportunity to circle back once again to independent and dependent variables.
Most of my students are still struggling with converting equations into Slope Intercept Form. So, we’ll be working more on that today.
We also did a Frayer Model over the y-intercept
Free Download of Slope Intercept Form y=mx+b Foldable
Click here to Download
y=mx+b foldable (PDF)
2751 downloads – 2.44 KB
Click here to Download
Frayer Model – 2 Per Page (PDF)
4565 downloads – 48.30 KB
It’s not the most elegant template, but it worked. This is sized to fit in our notebook sideways with extra room to write several sentences worth of notes.
If you are not doing interactive notebooks, I would suggest making it slightly larger so you will have more space to write inside.
Used this today, loved it! Thanks!!!
I've been teaching math for 12 years and don't remember seeing anything like it. Love it! Thanks!
Thanks! I think this was one of the few ideas I didn't steal from another blog…
This was a great idea!
Do you think students could benefit from having a word problem broken down on the back of the flaps such as "The cost of a night of bowling was $3 per game plus $4 shoe rental?"
Absolutely! I need to do a better job of incorporating word problems throughout the year! Great idea!
Thanks so much! I started using foldables toward the end of last semester and they really made class way more fun and interactive. 🙂
You're welcome! Glad you and your students are enjoying the foldables! So fun!
Transitioning from an Elementary teacher to a Middle school math teacher has been hard because I can not draw back to prior examples. With that being said I have used so many of your ideas and have gotten such great feed back from the students I just felt the need to say THANK-YOU so very much for posting all that you do. I can tell you are an extraordinary teacher who is very dedicated. We just moved from Edmond Oklahoma to Sacramento California and I have to say I miss it already. Have a wonderful school year and God Bless.
Mrs. Cantu
Thanks for the sweet note! I hope your first year of teaching middle school goes well!
Do you have more info for the link to your 3 minute Ken Ken video? The link is broken. I really like using those puzzles, but find it hard to explain the directions.
Try this link:
I would love to use this with my students this week, but I can't see a link to the file. Could you post the link again? or let me know where to find it? I saw that on another post you posted the link to "a searchable link to all my files" but I coudln't find it there (and there wasn't a search option)…Thanks in advance!
Oh nevermind about this file! I found your y=a+bx file on another post and modified that, so I have what I need. Thanks!
So glad you were able to make it work!
I love your blog! Thanks for sharing all your ideas. I was wondering if I could use two pictures from this page for my online class?
Cindy (teaches math for BYUI online)
Thanks, Cindy! Use whatever pictures you need!
Hey Sarah. Why can't I see where to download your foldables at the bottom of the page? There is just a blank space. Am I doing something wrong?
Thanks so much!
Thank you, Makenzie! We're using this today.
Used this today and it was awesome! Definitely size up the file, though, if you aren't using INB. I'd probably tweak it a bit before I handed it out again; the kids had a hard time figuring out what to cut away and what to keep. I printed a few extras to hand out when they made a mistake though and that helped a lot!