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Statistics Jokes and Puns

This collection of funny statistics jokes and puns are math-teacher approved and sure to make your students laugh…or groan.

Statistics Jokes.

You can find lots of collections of funny math jokes and math puns online, but this one is special. This collection of stats jokes was put together by a high school math teacher. These jokes are clean and suitable for any middle school or high school math classroom.

These statistics jokes and puns have been generally sorted by the stats concepts which they cover.

Teach other math subjects? Check out my different math-subject themed jokes below. I also have a giant collection of the 139 best math jokes which features jokes related to any and all areas of math.

You can also download my math joke of the week posters which can be hung up inside or outside your classroom. 

General Statistics Jokes

  • How many statisticians does it take to screw in a light bulb? We really don’t know yet. Our entire sample was skewed to the left! (A Joke by Dr. Gary C Ramseyer)
  • What did the Box Plot say to the outlier?
    “Don’t you dare get close to my whisker!!” (A Joke by Dr. Gary C Ramseyer)
  • Did you hear about the statistician who was thrown in jail?
    He now has zero degrees of freedom.
  • Why do people decide to become statisticians?
    They find accounting too exciting.
  • What do you call a mathematician who never tells the truth?
    A straight outlier.
  • What did Santa say to a Statistics class?
    Null hypothesis Null hypothesis Null hypothesis

Mean, Median, and Mode Jokes

Add these jokes to your lesson on measures of central tendency!

  • Why are the mean, median, and mode like a valuable piece of real estate? LOCATION! LOCATION! LOCATION!
  • Why are two medians in a single data set funny?
    Because it’s a co-median
  • What do you call an average comedian?
    A median
  • How do statisticians cook their meat?
    Median rare.
  • If Shrek had been an average movie, it would’ve been Mediogre.
  • The average person is really mean.
  • What do you call it when someone starts acting like an angry center divider?
    They’re in mean median mode.

Normal Distribution Jokes

  • How is a normal probability distribution like a lion?
    They both have a MEAN MEW. (Joke by Professor Rolf Bargmann)
  • What did the z distribution say to the t distribution?
    You may look like me but you’re not normal.

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