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Systems of Equations Foldable

I want to share a systems of equations foldable I created for my Algebra 2 students to glue in their interactive notebooks.

First, we did a pretty basic interactive notebook page on how to solve systems of equations by graphing.

We began by defining two important terms: system of equations and solution.

systems of equations interactive notebook page algebra

I love having students glue these graph paper index cards in their interactive notebooks when I decide to have students graph something on a whim.

Then, we made a 3 door foldable over the 3 types of systems.

This basic 3 door foldable template (download shared at the bottom of this post) is one of my go-tos.

systems of equations foldable algebra interactive notebooks math inbs

Each flap on the foldable represents a different type of systems: intersecting lines, coinciding lines, and parallel lines.

systems of equations foldable algebra interactive notebooks math inbs

The inside of the foldable shares the number of solutions that each system has and its proper name (independent, dependent, or inconsistent).

Free Download of Systems of Equations Foldable Template

Click here to Download
3 Door Foldable (PDF)
5015 downloads – 1.40 KB

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  1. Thank you so much for this! I was going to do a foldable for types of systems tomorrow and now I've got the perfect one to use 🙂

  2. I LOVE your ideas! I used the "Steps for Graphing Inequalities" today with my Algebra 1 students. But I noticed you graphed your y-intercept as a positive 9/2 instead of -9/2 therefore we should shade above the line. Keep up the awesome creativity!!!

  3. it's better to read you than some stupid novel

    and I know What I Mean

    forget about reading the gods

    it's time to read the persons

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