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Math Symbols Posters

Today I want to share some math symbols posters I created If you get annoyed by blog posts about posters I’ve created for my classroom, you might want to avoid my blog for the next few days.

free printable math symbols posters

Let’s just say I’ve gone a little poster crazy the past few days and created a heap of new posters for my classroom.  

math symbols posters to decorate middle school or high school math classroom

I haven’t been able to actually start decorating my classroom for the upcoming school year, so I’ve been compensating by just making pretty things to hang up in it eventually.

Don’t worry.  I’ve done some actual productive school work, too.  For example, I have all of my SBG quizzes written for Algebra 1!  Now, I need to get busy and finish Algebra 2.  

And, I guess I need to start thinking about statistics at some point…  It’s okay.  There’s still a bit of summer left.  At least, that’s what I keep telling myself to keep from freaking out too much.

Factorial - math symbols posters to decorate middle school or high school math classroom

At the end of last year, I had a blast doing the Four Fours activity with my students.  One of the most exciting things that resulted from that was getting to introduce my students to the concept of factorial!  

Yes, I did intentionally end that sentence with an exclamation point.

This got me to thinking about math symbols and ways to make my students more familiar with them.

As I spend more time in the classroom, my thoughts about what should be on the walls is changing.  My current spin on classroom decoration is as much math as possible + growth mindset stuff.  

I want people to walk in my classroom and have no doubt that we do math in that room.  Lots and lots of math.

math symbols posters to decorate middle school or high school math classroom
Infinity Symbol - math symbols posters to decorate middle school or high school math classroom
Plus or Minus Symbol - math symbols posters to decorate middle school or high school math classroom

There are currently 26 posters plus a title poster in the file.  I started by just including algebra symbols, but I threw a few geometry symbols in at the end.  

If you teach geometry, you’ll need to download the editable version and complete the set with the symbols you use.  I don’t teach geometry and never have, so I didn’t spend too much time tracking down geometry symbols to cut and paste. Sorry!  

I want this to be the type of resource where you  just print the posters you need for your classroom.  And, feel free to add your own!

Greater Than Symbol - math symbols posters to decorate middle school or high school math classroom
Therefore Math Symbol - math symbols posters to decorate middle school or high school math classroom
PI Symbol - math symbols posters to decorate middle school or high school math classroom
Greek Letter Theta - math symbols posters to decorate middle school or high school math classroom

Over the years, I’ve hung these math symbols posters up in my classroom in various ways.

Sometimes I just hang up the inequality and equality symbols.

math symbols posters to decorate middle school or high school math classroom

Other years, I hang up all the symbols in one long strip on my wall.

math symbols posters to decorate middle school or high school math classroom

Free Download of Math Symbols Posters

Click here to Download
Math Symbols Posters (PDF)
4794 downloads – 1.34 MB

Click here to Download
Math Symbols Posters (Editable Publisher File ZIP)
1993 downloads – 1.13 MB

If you want to edit the posters, you will need to download this free font: ChunkFive Roman.

Want even more posters? Check out my posters page!

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  1. Wow. Thank you so much for sharing, the moment you sent this I was working on my retake policies and the error information is something I was thinking about as well! I have always made students do test corrections and they always struggle with the explanation part of it, I think understanding the different types of errors will help them to explain what they did wrong. thanks again! keep up the sharing!!

  2. Thanks for sharing! I am new to following your blog. You have tons of ideas! I have a BS in Marhematics, and after 15 years staying at home to raise my kids, I will be teaching math for a homeschool cooperative. Hoping to use your blog a lot for ideas and inspiration. God bless!

  3. Hi Sarah! I love your blog, and I use ideas from you often. THANK YOU! I found a foldable in an NCTM journal that I use a lot in my classroom. It is the anchor for learning in my class. After every test, all students have to complete one–whether they got an A+ or not. (If they got a 100% and any bonus questions offered, they don't.)
    This analysis is the ticket to take a retake. It is worth classwork points. I grade it on a done/not done basis, and spot check the fourth column for correctness. The idea is that this form teaches the kids how to analyze their errors. It is not an assignment for me to grade and evaluate for them.
    The form is like this: Hold the paper landscape style. Fold to make four vertical columns. Fold again to mae 1/2 inch horizontal row on the top and a 1/2 inch horizontal row on the bottom.
    Label the top row: Question , Solution, Math concept missed, New problem and solution
    Bottom row: Name: Date of Original Test: Block: Date of Make up test:

    Students work across the sheet for each problem they missed on a test. First column: Copy ONLY the question missed, not the mistake.
    Second column: show all correct work and solution
    Third Column: Name what math concept was forgotten, misunderstood, ignored, etc.Explain how it applies to this problem.
    Fourth Column: Find a similar problem in a book or online or from a teacher (can be me) that has an answer worked out. Copy problem, work solution, check answer.

    I allow extra paper to be added. Some kids hate the four column model and just do the work on notebook lined paper. I am ok with that. The important thing is the analysis.

    The analysis is the ticket for their retake.

    If I can find the NCTM article with the original idea from that long ago I will send it to you.

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