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Diatomic Elements BrINClHOF Poster

Today, I want to share a poster I recently made for my physical science class.  We’ve been writing chemical reactions, and my students need a bit of a reminder about which elements exist diatomically.  When I took chemistry in high school, my teacher taught us the BrINClHOF mnemonic device.  I guess it’s catchy because it’s stuck with me ever since.

diatomic elements poster

I decided to make a poster for the diatomic elements because I was writing BrINClHOF on the dry erase board almost every single day.

Diatomic Elements BrINClHOF Poster

I designed this diatomic elements BrINClHOF poster to print on 11 x 17 cardstock.  

Diatomic Elements BrINClHOF Poster

It is perfect for making quick and easy posters on my school’s copy machine.

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