Discrete vs Continuous Functions Foldable
I am really pleased with how this discrete vs continuous functions foldable turned out! I really like how it combines a card sort within a foldable.
Students were given six cards. Each card had ONE of the following filled in: situation, variables, or sketch of graph. As a class, we filled in the missing information and classified each card as discrete or continuous.
Before beginning our sorting activity, we did a quick note page summary of discrete vs. continuous.
Here’s what our finished product looked like after A LOT of discussion and debate and more discussion. It took a lot longer to complete this activity than I expected, but it was a productive use of our time.
I was afraid that my finished product wasn’t going to live up to my expectations when I was creating this activity. But, I absolutely loved how this activity turned out.
Domain and Range went so much smoother this year than it did in years past. I think a big difference was that we had discussed discrete vs. continuous BEFORE talking domain and range. In the past, I tried to introduce both ideas simultaneously. Sometimes our students just need to digest one concept before starting the next.
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I'm so glad you continue to blog! You are such a big help to me!
Thank you so much for these materials!
Thank you for sharing your materials! This post was very helpful 🙂