Horizontal Number Line Poster
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Hanging up a horizontal number line poster in my classroom was actually on my to-do list for my first year of teaching, but I never got around to it. I know that you can buy number lines at a teacher store or online that are relatively inexpensive, but I decided to make my own.

After all, I take any and every opportunity to use my handy, dandy laminator. I’ve had it for a year now, and it is one of my most used possessions!
A laminator is a MUST-HAVE for me as a math teacher! I spent my first six years as a teacher at a school with a broken laminator, so I had to find a way to laminate things myself.
I’ve had several laminators over the years. I currently use a Scotch laminator at home and a Swingline laminator at school.
I highly recommend splurging a bit on the actual laminator and buying the cheapest laminating pouches you can find!
I used a pdf file that I found on a British book publisher’s website to print my number line. The file includes pages that will extend your number line from -40 to +40. However, you print only the pages you need to fit in your exact space.
Since, I didn’t have 25 feet of wall space to devote to an extra-large number line, I printed my number line to go from -22 to +22. I probably should have done a little trimming and made it go from a more standard -20 to +20. Oh well…
And, if you already have a number line in your classroom, this website also features a printable pi strip that you can print that features up to the first 1000 decimal places of pi!
Actually, I’d just recommend that you spend a few minutes checking out the numerous files that are available to download!
I hung my number line using sticky tack above the map railing that is above my dry erase board. I really like how it turned out. The numbers are large and easy to read from across the room.
I hope this will be a resource that my students will reference all year long.
If you are interested in the posters hanging on my map railing, they were downloaded from the North Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics website.
Last year, I used these posters to create a math-themed bulletin board in the back of my classroom. This year, I have different plans for that bulletin board, but I still wanted to feature these posters in my classroom.
Link to Download Horizontal Number Line Poster
Update: I have also created a vertical number line template for you to download.
and this is why I LOVE blogging. Thanks for these incredible resources!!!
and I too, have an incredibly close relationship with my laminator.
Hodges Herald
Thanks for reading my blog! I love blogging as well, and I'm always excited to share resources with others and discover new resources.
Hello. I homeschool my daughter and thanks for the tip on the number line!
Thank you SO much for blogging about your number line. I've looked for a printable number line before and all I could find were ones geared toward younger grades. This is exactly what I need!
Hello from Australia!
Thanks for the number line – it's exactly what I needed!
God bless
Glad I could share this awesome resource! Hope it helps your students!
I love your blog name. I love following blogs that have a specific focus in mind- looking for some great math resources 🙂
I am your newest follower
Mindful Rambles
Thank you for posting this – I was trying to make a number line today (from scratch on Microsoft Word), but it didn't quite turn out… can't wait to use this in my gr. 8 classroom!
Thank you for the number line! I bought one on line and it was tiny; not good for the front of the classroom! This is so much better! Thanks for sharing!
Awesome! Glad I could help point you to an amazing, free resource. This is by far one of the most useful things I've hung up in my classroom this year!
Awesome! I am totally printing all these things out, so I can easily swap out math things for my walls next year. Thanks again for all the amazing downloads and links of free downloads!
Glad I could help! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Thank You for this number. I wanted to do vertical one and now I can do it on my background. Someone stole one had bought a couple of summers ago.
You're welcome! I love my number line. I can't imagine teaching without one on the wall now!
How do you play the sea of zeros game?
Wrote a post about it here: https://mathequalslove.net/integer-operations-work-mat-with-sea-of-zeros/
Hi! I've tried to make this number line so many times and I just can't get the bars to line up neatly like yours. Is there a trick to printing/cutting?
OMG one of my smart students just figured it out… haha. thank you for sharing! Love your blog!!
Glad you were able to figure it out!
Hello! I love all of these posters/number lines! One problem, i tried to search the NCCTM website for those math posters but they are not there! :[ Do you have the document? I really loved them and would like to add them to my classroom. Thank you! -Lauren
They are uploaded as pdfs on this site: https://www.ncctm.org/activities/logo-contest/
Good luck!
I created a vertical number line and taped it to one side of the board. (Laminated it with plastic tape!) Every time I have an integer addition or subtraction problem I make sure to do it on the number line. If I ask the kids "what's -5 + 6" their first instinct is to pick up a calculator but after 8 months of my propaganda some of them do look toward the number line and do it that way.
Woohoo!! Thank you for sharing this! It is just what I needed!
Great resource – thank you!
I was reminded about your blog this summer, and I must say I've gone a little crazy making your posters for my classroom and sharing them with my coworkers. Everything has been very handy and looks great in my room! Thank you for all of these amazing resources!
The link is now here: https://www.ncctm.org/activities/logo-contest/
Hello, I am wondering if you have an add-on or editable portion of your lovely numberline? I’d love to go to 50 or even 100.
I didn’t create this file myself, so I don’t have an editable version. Sorry!