Independent vs Dependent Variables Foldable
I created this independent vs dependent variables foldable for my Algebra 1 students to glue in their interactive notebooks.

Since I started teaching, I have struggled to teach independent and dependent variables in a way I am proud of. Each year, it seems like I try something new.
And, no matter what, the same 60% of kids who intuitively understand independent vs. dependent get it. And, the same 40% of kids who mix up dependent and independent EVERY SINGLE TIME still mix them up every single time. This happens no matter how well I feel like I’ve explained it.
I’m especially proud of the inside of this foldable. I think that having students sketch a graph has helped their understanding of independent vs. dependent variables.
This approach, however, was not the magic cure. I still had a fair number of students who switched the variables every single time.
Free Download of Independent vs Dependent Variables Foldable
Alternate Version of Independent vs Dependent Variables Foldable
Here’s a different independent vs dependent variables foldable I created during the 2016-2017 school year.
I had my students write sentences in the form depends on ____. This seemed to help more of my students master independent and dependent variables than in the past.