Monday Must Reads: Volume 45
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I can’t believe that it is already July! Summer is going to be over before we know it. It’s been over a month since the last volume of Monday Must Reads, so I decided it was time to put together Volume 45. I hope you enjoy this peek into what I found interesting on twitter over the past month or so.

Scientific Notation Puzzle
James Pearce shares a lovely scientific notation puzzle from MathsPad.
Stickers for Student Voice
I love Emily Ann McDonald‘s use of stickers for giving students a voice in the classroom.
Tetrahedron Wall Art
Clarissa Grandi inspires, as always, with her latest mathematical art. Check out her lovely blog to learn more about this tetrahedron wall art!
Edmund Harriss shares an awesome photo of his latest mathematical creation.
Arithmetic (Linear) Sequences Task
White Rose Maths Secondary shares a creative task for linear sequences.
Evaluating Expressions Task
Here’s another task that cleverly combines evaluating expressions and measures of central tendency.
Always Sometimes Never Question Collection
I’m always on the look-out for great always/sometimes/never questions. So I was excited to come across this list shared by Angel Zickefoose.
Systems of Equations Clothespin Task
Madi Roberts shares a creative review task involving clothespins.
Logarithms Post-It Note Task
I realize this is an old post from Trever Reeh, but I’m excited to use this task when I teach logarithms in Algebra 2 this year.
Marshmallow Catapult Lesson
Miss Pellicciotti shares an awesome quadratics lesson involving launching marshmallows from catapults built from toothpicks, rubberbands, and a spoon.
Prime Factorization Activity
I love this prime factorization task from Academic Coaches. Excellent use of teacher-made manipulatives!
Shape Party
Julie Arakelian inspires with a very creative SHAPE PARTY. How awesome is this?!?
French Knitting
Fraction Debate
Want to spark a fraction debate? Check out this question from John Bibby.
A Problem Involving String
Michael Jacobs shares an interesting geometry question.
3D Pythagorean Theorem with Kleenex
Are your students struggling to visualize the pythagorean theorem in 3D? Luke Janicke recommends pulling out the tissues.
Christmas Prime Puzzle
Luke also shares an awesome prime based Christmas puzzle. Christmas in July is totally a thing right?!?
Center of Rotation Activity
Another awesome idea from Luke: have students guess the center of rotation using sticky notes with dots on them.
Correlation Coeffiient Geogebra Exploration
I am looking forward to using this geogebra file from Luke next time I introduce the concept of correlation coefficients. If you can’t tell by now, I think Luke’s twitter account is a must-follow for math teachers!
Twitter Tags
Are you sharing student work on twitter? Check out this idea from Brooklands Maths Department!
Promoting Risk Taking in the Classroom
Miss Palastrand bravely displays the ways she is taking a risk in her classroom outside her door. Imagine if we all did this!
Box Method Scaffolding
Newman Maths shares a great visual of scaffolding in relation to the box method.
24 Game Extension
I love that Jean Sequeira doesn’t let students stop at just finding one solution to 24 Game.
Count the Quarters Task
Windsor MathJam wants to know if you can count the quarters in this picture.
Visual Patterns Memory
Russell Helmstedter shares a project that takes Visual Patterns to the next level.
Toothpick Constructions
Dr. Brandy Wiegers shares a helpful tip for those wanting to build geometric shapes with toothpicks in their classrooms. I never would of thought of trying garbanzo beans!
Mathematical Graduation Stoles
How awesome are these moebius graduation stoles made by Dr. Brandy Wiegers?!?
Prime Climb Coloring Activity
Heidi Allum shares a great way to engage students with the Prime Climb chart.
Systems Word Problem
I LOVE when teachers share their favorite problems. Check out this one from Regina Barrett.
Arm Angles
I will definitely be taking a page from Ryan Bowman‘s playbook and engaging my pre-calc students with Arm Angles.
Open Middle Systems Task
John Rowe is back with another awesome Open Middle problem.
Self-Checking Activity with a Blacklight
I love how Aline Begue-Creze turns a matching activity into a self-checking activity.
Percentages Bowling Activity
Craig Tilstone shares an awesome interactive activity for practicing percentages.
School Appropriate Joke of the Day
John Chase features a school appropriate joke of the day submitted by students. Love that they have to lift the flap for the answer!
Function Guess Who
Check out this class-wide Guess Who Game in John Chase’s classroom.
Quadratic Raised to a Quadratic
John also shares one of his favorite problems.
Sine Wave Sculpture
Check out the before and after photos of Stephanie‘s 2018 Sine Wave Sculpture!
WODB Outside
Kerrie Inniss takes WODB (Which One Doesn’t Belong) outside to the playground for a fun twist on the standard activity!
Circle Vocabulary with Paper Plates
Mr. Gray shows some great examples of paper plates illustrating circle vocabulary.
AP Stats Letter Project
Jennifer Abel shares letters received from companies as part of an awesome looking AP Stats project.
Math Fact Calendar Project
Another awesome project idea courtesy of Jennifer Abel – have students make a calendar of math facts for the math department!
Themepark Design Project
Samantha Falkner shares an awesome Algebra 2 project where students designed their own themeparks. Check out more of her students’ work. And, here’s the link to the Desmos activity.
Science City Puzzles
Heather Ogle shares some puzzles that would be perfect for my puzzle table next year!
Candy Scale Project
Check out these giant candy boxes from the classroom of Liz Caffrey.
Student Choice with Feedback
LOVE this teacher-move from Chrissy Newell. Students are given the option each day regarding whether they want feedback or “not today.”
Birdhouse Project
Kristine Woodford issues students a challenge that demonstrates a real-world application of math.
Geogebra Rotation Applet
Mark Kaercher shares a great geogebra activity he created for rotating plane figures around an axis. This would have been so awesome when I was studying calculus in high school!
Senior Student Gift
Julie Jee shares a creative gift idea for those that teach seniors!
Inspiring Classroom Photos
Check out these gorgeous photos of Becky‘s classroom. I absolutely love the giant clock on the wall!
Visualizing Reflections
Kelly Deiss shares a crafty way to help students visualize reflections.
String Art
Here’s some more crafty awesomeness from Kelly Deiss.
Visualizing Points, Lines, and Planes
Teaching geometry? Check out this idea from Kelly for visualizing points/lines/planes using common, everyday materials.
Emphasizing Multiple Methods
I like how Suzanne Culbreth encourages using multiple methods to solve problems.
Invisible 1 Poster
Laura Wheeler shares a great poster find that helps make the invisible visible.
Pythagorean Theorem Costume
Jaclyn Lea Tant brings her pythagorean theorem lesson to life with a costume.
Life Size Area Models
I love how AttucksAllstars are tackling giant area model problems on the floor.
3D Graphing Visual
Ms. Russell shares a great visual for 3D graphing.
Discovering Cyclic Relationships
I definitely recommend clicking-through to watch this video of Ms. Russell‘s math class discovering cyclic relationships.
Drawing Ellipses
Jeremy Hughes shares an interesting method for drawing ellipses.
Wrong Wednesday
This “Wrong Wendsday” activity from Liz Mastalio is just mean.
Area Problem
Let’s close out this volume of Monday Must Reads with an interesting question from Alice Aspinall.
Keep sharing your awesome ideas! They might just be featured in the next volume of Monday Must Reads!