Monday Must Reads: Volume 70
It’s the Monday before Thanksgiving, and I’m super excited to share a new volume of Monday Must Reads today. My district decided to take the entire week off for Thanksgiving Break this year, and I’m so thankful for that. I’m also extra thankful that I had a good check-up today with my hand surgeon. In June, I had surgery to have a bone tumor removed from my ring finger. It likely would have gone undiscovered if I hadn’t had a bit of an incident with the beaters while baking my husband a birthday cake. I had x-rays taken, and I’m relieved to report there are no signs that the tumor has returned. Now, I don’t have to go back to the surgeon’s office until Spring Break. If I continue to get good reports, I will hopefully be able to space the x-rays out more and more.
Okay. Enough about me. Let’s jump into this week’s volume of Monday Must Reads. Monday Must Reads is my weekly-ish attempt at capturing the amazingness of other math teachers on twitter. I hope you find an idea worth using in your own classroom!
Linear Equation Shrinky Dinks
I want to be in Kristen Fouss‘ math class. Check out these linear equation shrinky dinks!
HeadsUp Game via Zoom
Amber Adams suggests playing HeadsUp with your students over videoconferencing. It looks like a lot of fun!
Koolaid Ratios
Another creative idea from Amber: teaching ratios with koolaid!
Automatic Text Expander
Meg Craig shares a brilliant teacher hack that is right up your alley if you find yourself typing the same feedback to students or emails to parents over and over and over. Check out her blog post to learn about using an automatic text expander. I installed one a few weeks ago after seeing her post, and I use it pretty much every single day.
Social Distancing Math T-Shirt Design
Check out these creative math club t-shirts from Lisa Winer. This year is definitely going to be one that we never forget!
Absolute Value Desmos Lesson
I really like how Josef Sigrist incorporates his school’s name into a memorable absolute value lesson.
Quadratic Formula with the Desmos Scientific Calculator
Mark Kaercher shows off some of the capabilities of the Desmos scientific calculator.
Factorable Trinomials Jamboard Activity
Check out this jamboard activity from Mrs J where students have to determine which value will make the trinomial factorable.
States of Matter Picture Books
Shannon Fusina engages her students in reviewing the states of matter by having them produce pictures books for students in younger grades. How inspiring!
Missing Operations Jamboard Task
This missing operations jamboard task from Julia Dweck looks fab! [NOTE: Jamboard has been discontinued by Google. Link to activity has been removed.]
One Step Equations Open Middle Task
Richard Hung shares a one step equation open middle task he created in Google Slides.
Towers of Hanoi with Cuisenaire Rods
Jordan Rappaport brilliantly uses Cuisenaire rods to model the classic Towers of Hanoi problem.
Until next week, keep sharing your awesome ideas! Want even more ideas? I suggest checking out previous volumes of Monday Must Reads!