Monday Must Reads: Volume 98

I can count on one hand the number of Mondays that I have taught since the pandemic began in 2020. When we returned to in-person instruction in the fall of 2020, we adopted a calendar of Distance Learning Mondays where students would complete their lessons asynchronously each Monday.

The high school I teach at kept those asynchronous Mondays this year as well. But this week, we ended up having to move our distance learning day to Wednesday instead of Monday due to ACT testing. This meant that I had a room full of students on a Monday!

To celebrate surviving a Monday with students, here’s a new volume of Monday Must Reads. This is my weekly-ish attempt at capturing the amazing ideas shared by (mostly) math teachers on twitter. I hope you find an idea or two worth adapting for your own classroom!

I am now only two volumes away from 100! Anyone have any ideas on how to celebrate this upcoming special volume number?

Monday Must Reads Logo from Math = Love.

Triangle Midsegment Activity

David Sladkey shares a fun, hands-on geometry activity with lots of student choice!

triangle midsegment activity on desk with dry erase markers.
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Calculus Class Playlists for Remembering +C

Julie Reulbach shares some creative Spotify playlists she put together for remembering the +c when integrating and for u-substitution.

calculus +c playlist on spotify.
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Transformations and Reflections Playlists

These transformations playlists from Ashley Spotted Wolf look super-engaging!

transformations and reflections playlist.
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Calculator and Slide Rule Display

Check out this calculator and slide rule display from Mark Kaercher. Very inspiring!

calculator and slide rule display in classroom.
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Pythagorean Theorem, Distance Formula, and Midpoint Formula Mystery Activity

I am super impressed by this crime solving mystery activity put together by Sevdije Perezic.

pythagorean theorem mystery activity.
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Isosceles Triangle Puzzle

Catriona Agg shares an isosceles triangle puzzle.

isosceles triangle puzzle.
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Volume of Solids Geometry Project

Jennifer White shares an engaging performance task she gave her geometry students.

volumes of solids geometry project.
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rules for volumes of solids geometry project.
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Math Flips Flash Cards

Berkeley Everett has an excellent free resource on his website called Math Flips. These flashcards are not your normal flashcards. Instead of having a problem on one side and the answer on the other, these cards have a problem on the front and a similar problem on the back to “encourage relational thinking instead of answer-getting.”

math flips.
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Math Word Walls

Nicole Whitty has written another excellent blog post which shares several inspiring math word walls worth checking out!

math word wall.
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Quadrilaterals Conjecture

Tracy Proffitt shares an interesting mathematical conjecture shared by a student. How would your students respond?

quadrilaterals tweet.
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Until next week, keep sharing your awesome math teaching ideas!

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