My Favorite Four Door Foldable
Today, I wanted to share what has been my favorite foldable of late. It’s so versatile, and I’ve found myself using it left and right in my interactive notebooks.
It’s a simple four door foldable. I’ve sized mine to fit in a composition notebook. If you aren’t gluing these in a notebook, I would suggest you use an entire sheet of paper so that your students will have more room to write.
So, here are some pictures of this foldable template in action. I’ve used this four door foldable template more than any other so far this school year!
Solving One Step Equations Foldable
Integer Operations Foldable
Basic Graphing and Quadrants Foldable
Translating Algebraic Expressions Foldable
Free Download of Four Door Foldable Template
Click here to Download4 Door Blank Shutter Foldable (PDF)
8351 downloads – 1.43 KB
I love when one idea, like a four-panel foldable for instance, can be used in a variety of ways. You've found lots of uses for it in math, and it can even be used in other content areas as well. Talk about helping students create some organizational structure in their thinking. Thanks for sharing!
This is great! Thanks for sharing the photo because I didn't know what people were talking about when they said interactive notebooks.
Thanks for sharing the foldable! I love the quadrant idea! I wonder if you could print that on double sided graph paper and plot points as well.
I think I'll be using this foldable this week! Thanks so much for sharing the ideas 🙂
I tried printing off the foldable and it is SUPER tiny! Can you repost it?
NM! Error on my part! I had been printing multiple images on one page so that's why it came out tiny!
Thank you so much for sharing your ideas! I teach a math resource class and collaborate in a regular math class and these will help every kid, expecially those who need prompting and cueing for processes!
These are great!! Thank you so much for sharing.