Solving Systems by Elimination Graphic Organizer
I created this solving systems by elimination graphic organizer for my Algebra 1 students to use and glue in their interactive notebooks.

These are very similar to the graphic organizer I made for solving systems by substitution. We did substitution first and elimination afterwards. My students, like usual, much preferred the elimination method.
When I solve systems, I almost always prefer to solve them by elimination. I was surprised, then, when I realize the graphic organizer I had made for elimination had more steps than the graphic organizer for substitution.
Even though there are more steps, my students ended up preferring the elimination method, too.
Here are the four word problems we tackled using elimination. For our substitution problems, I provided my students with the system on on 75% of the problems. For these elimination problems, students had to write their own let statements and create their own system to match the given scenario.
My students were SO happy every time we got to skip a step and put an “X” in the box!