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Spring Printable Puzzles

Looking for some printable puzzles to celebrate spring? Check out this collection of free printable spring logic puzzles, mazes, word puzzles, and more!

Spring Printable Puzzles and Logic Puzzles for the Classroom.

Spring Logic Puzzles

I hope your students enjoy these printable spring logic puzzles as much as mine do!

Butterfly Hidoku Puzzles

butterfly hidoku logic puzzle.

These free printable butterfly hidoku puzzles are the perfect logic puzzles to enjoy during the spring season.

Rabbit Silhouette Puzzle

silhouettes puzzle

The goal of the Silhouettes Puzzle is to place as many of the octagons as needed on top of one another so that the silhouette of one of the rabbit images appears.

Spring Word Puzzles

Spring Hidden Word Puzzle

spring hidden word puzzle printable.

Looking for a fun word puzzle for spring? Search through the grid of letters to find a path that spells “Spring.”

Spring Fill-In Puzzle Printable

spring fill-in puzzle with paper flowers in background.

Can you place each of the spring-related words into this free printable Spring Fill-In Word Puzzle?

Spring Pentominoes Puzzles

Rabbit Pentominoes Puzzle

pentomino rabbit puzzle for easter or spring.

In this pentominoes rabbit puzzle, you are challenged to use a standard set of twelve pentominoes to build the shape of a rabbit.

Butterfly Pentominoes Puzzle

screenshot of pentominoes butterfly puzzle with photograph of pentominoes puzzle pieces in background

Bring some symmetric puzzling fun to your classroom with this pentomino butterfly puzzle. Can you use a standard set of twelve pentominoes to build the shape of a butterfly?

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