Twizzlers Linear Regression Lab Activity
I learned about using twizzlers for linear regression from Tammy Ballard with Wake County Public Schools. I modified her activity to create my own twizzlers linear regression lab that met the needs of my specific group of Algebra 2 students.

The idea is simple. Give students a twizzler to eat. Before students take a bite from their twizzler, they measure its length.
After each bite, they remeasure the twizzler until they have eaten the entire thing. They use this data to create a scatter plot and perform a linear regression.
I used almost the exact same set of questions from the tennis ball lab with the twizzlers lab.
I was surprised by the number of students who claimed to not like twizzlers. I mean, I don’t like twizzlers, but I figured most teenagers did. I’m more of a chocolate person myself! I told those students who didn’t like twizzlers to have someone else eat their twizzler for them. But, they still had to participate and take the measurements.
After students completed the activity, I had them fold their data collection sheet in half and glue it in their interactive notebooks.
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