3 Essential Rules of Math for Solving Equations
I often use the 3 Essential Rules of Math to review solving equations with my algebra students. I learned about these three essential rules from Glenn Waddell.
When I first started, I would have students write out the three rules.
Then, we would make note of when we used each rule while working through some solving equation examples.
This worked well, but I decided to type up the three essential rules of math as a foldable to reduce the amount of writing my kiddos had to do.
I was even able to include some examples on the inside of the foldable.
We did a few practice problems. I made them draw in the 1’s and 0’s that they made, but I guess I forgot to do it when I wrote out my own solutions in my notebook. Oops…
And, for the record, we did more than 3 practice problems. But, I only copied down three.
I can’t decide how well I like this method. The ones and zeros didn’t help my students as much as I’d hoped. I think if they were taught this way from the beginning, it might work much better. Once they get to Algebra 2, they seem pretty set in their equation solving ways whether they are doing it correctly or incorrectly.
Free Download of 3 Essential Rules of Math Graphic Organizer and Foldable
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3 Essential Rules of Math Graphic Organizer (PDF)
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3 Essential Rules of Math Foldable (PDF)
1383 downloads – 370.74 KB
One suggestion: maybe change the word function on the front of the foldable to the word operation?
I like this. I just stole the original wording I found online.
Teaching this to 7th grade pre-algebra "lite", however, means that they get these mnemonics from the very beginning. It has helped my kids. Thanks!!
Awesome! Thanks for sharing!