Chemistry Gossip Activity
Short and sweet post today to let you know about an awesome chemistry gossip activity I found for FREE on TpT. I gave it to my physical science students as a “let’s get back in work mode since we haven’t seen each other for five days as a result of fall break” activity. It only took five to seven minutes, and it had the whole room laughing and groaning. Plus, any activity that helps them get more familiar with their periodic tables is a win in my book! We’re doing electron dot diagrams at the moment, and they have declared that the hardest part of the entire process is finding the element on the periodic table!

The activity I found on TpT is called “Chemistry Gossip” by Learning Is Not Quiet.
Try to read these and not laugh. I dare you!
This activity is a definite keeper, and I plan to use it any time I teach physical science in the future. Want to know another reason I’m blogging about this activity? So I can find it easily in the future! I can’t tell you how many times I have to search my blog to remember how I did something in the past. It makes me wonder how teachers who don’t blog can keep up with everything they have done. The answer to that question is they are probably WAY more organized than yours truly!
".. another reason I'm blogging about this activity? So I can find it easily in the future!"
I tweet any articles I think I might want to read again later, so I can relate!
This activity is a great way to bring fun into a science lesson and TpT rocks because you can find stuff like this for free!
What a fun activity! Gotta love TpT platform and all the free material teachers share there!
It was definitely fun!