List of Problem Solving Strategies for INBs or Binders

Today I want to share a list of problem solving strategies designed to be glued in interactive notebooks. I have also included a full-sized version for binders.

list of math problem solving strategies for interactive notebooks

The upcoming school year is going to be a BUSY one, so I’ve been trying to get as many resources created as possible this summer.  My current project is writing SBG quizzes for Algebra 1 and Algebra 2.  So far, I’ve written 25 quizzes, but I have a zillion more to go.  Still, this is the first time I’ve ever written quizzes ahead of time, so I’m feeling pretty proud of myself.

problem solving strategies for math classroom decorations

I was so excited about how productive I was being that I let myself work on something a bit more on the creative side: a problem solving strategies insert for my students to put in the front of their interactive notebooks.  I have various problem solving strategies posters on the wall of my classroom, but I decided I wanted students to have a copy, too!

list of math problem solving strategies for interactive notebooks

Each strategy has a small box to the left of it.  My idea is that when I go over these strategies with my students as we put them in our notebooks that they will draw a small icon to represent each strategy in the box.

Free Download of Problem Solving Strategies List

Click here to Download
Problem Solving Strategies INB Page (PDF)
1241 downloads – 645.51 KB

Click here to Download
Problem Solving Strategies INB Page (Editable Publisher File ZIP)
951 downloads – 608.67 KB

If you download the editable file, you will need these free fonts: HVD Comic Serif Pro, Print Bold, and Spicy Rice.

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  1. Hi Sarah-
    I am not finding the link to download the files 🙁 Am I missing it? ha! Thank you for sharing!!

    Blog Comment HTML

    This Little Ladybug

    1. Fixed it with an edit at the top. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!

  2. I love that you put something about staring at it NOT being a problem solving strategy.


  3. I second Maria's comment – I love the quote about staring not being a problem solving strategy. I wish I could find something similar about staring at a list of words is not studying vocabulary.

    1. Maybe you could make a list of ways to study and write your own quote about not staring 🙂

  4. I love your work! I was wondering how you go about making the SBG quizzes. I want to try SBG next year in at least one of my classes but am a little lost on how to make the assessments. Any advice?

    1. Thanks! When I started writing SBG quizzes, I just used my normal quiz style and graded it on a 1-4 scale. (I refer to 4 as an A and 3 as a B. 1-2 are NOT YET and students have to reassess until they make an A or a B.)

      Though, I'm finding that more quizzes with less questions is a better approach. I've broken my skills list into bite size chunks and my quizzes usually contain 2 questions over that concept. Hope this helps 🙂

  5. Sarah I love this! I have your problem solving signs on my wall on a bulletin board and refer to them but not as often as I'd like. I think this might hold me more accountable 🙂 Thanks! Also loving the new logo? title image? on your site!!

  6. Your article is very interesting, I wait for your next article.


    Asuransi Pendidikan

  7. Dear Sarah,
    I discovered your blog and website yesterday and have spent a great deal of time reading your entries – you have done a marvelous job! You are so generous with your ideas – you must be a terrific teacher! You also give note to others. On your list of Problem-solving strategies you have the additional "Staring is not a viable problem-sovlig strategy" and attribute it to Margaret Kenney. Peg was a dear friend of mine – actually she was one of my undergraduate professors and then my boss when I worked for her and Fr. Bezuzska, S.J. at the Boston College Mathematics Institute. It was such nice surprise to see her name on your website. I have bookmarked your site – thank you for your work! It is stellar!

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