Two Variable Inequalities Card Sort Activity
I decided to create a two variable inequalities card sort activity to introduce the topic to students before we even took notes over the topic.

My students actually ended up completing two card sorts.

I like to place students in pairs and have them start by solving a one variable inequalities card sort activity to help jog their memories and get them talking.
Then, we move on to this two variable inequalities card sort.
You will notice that I picked VERY similar equations/inequalities to make students focus on the differences between graphing equations and greater than vs less than inequalities and greater than or equal to and less than or equal to inequalities.
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Inequalities Activities
- Graphing Inequalities Dry Erase Work Mat
- Systems of Inequalities Foldable
- Writing Inequalities Given a Graph Foldable
- Graphing Linear Inequalities Foldable
- Recognizing Inequalities from Graphs Speed Dating Activity
- One Variable Inequalities Card Sort Activity
- Two Variable Inequalities Card Sort Activity
- Compound Inequalities Foldable
- One Variable Inequalities Square Puzzle
- Graphing One Variable Inequalities Foldable
- Graphing Linear Inequalities Graphic Organizer
- Inequalities Foldables
Once again, I love this idea. We go back to school on Jan 9, and have only 2 weeks before we have another 2 week break (don't you just love the Lunar New Year?). When I start my linear inequalities unit, this sounds like an excellent starter and review activity, all in one. I know I will be using this very soon! ???
I can't wait to hear how the second sort went turned out!
Hi, one thing that I realized on my sorts with graphs is that I forget the graphs get turned around in the bag, so I'm going to start putting labels on my axes I think! Love this idea, but I think I'm going to make my graphs with labels on it:)
I definitely regretted forgetting the labels! Oops…
Superb post. Thanks for cubicles miami.