Interactive Domain and Range Foldable
I used the same cards that we used for Domain and Range Pictionary to create an interactive domain and range foldable for my Algebra 2 classes. There are 32 cards which give my students 32 opportunities to practice finding the domain and range!

We made a tiny envelope to hold our 32 cards. Let me just say – having the students cut out all 32 cards took WAY too much time. I was about ready to pull my hair out. I think we might of spent half of a fifty minute class period just cutting these cards out. But, we used them a lot, so I think it was worth it.
I LOVED the envelope template that Kathryn posted earlier this summer. I downsized her template to the exact size needed to fit the domain and range cards I linked to earlier.
Then, I took inspiration once again from Ms. Haley at Journal Wizard. She had her students create an interactive domain and range finder foldable.
As you can see, this foldable perfectly holds the domain and range practice cards from our handy-dandy envelope! I downloaded the domain and range cards from this blog post.
The foldable is made to perfectly hold our domain and range practice cards that are housed in the envelope.
Students fold over the domain tabs to help them determine the left-most and right-most points on the graph. If the graph goes approaches negative or positive infinity, the students leave the flap open where it reads positive or negative infinity. I wanted my treatment of domain and range to be much more hands-on this year, and I think this foldable does the trick!
After doing many, many cards together, I had students find the domain and range of all 32 cards as homework. They had to write the domain and range in both interval and algebraic notation. (And, the discrete graphs had to have their domain written in set notation.) The next day, I gave them an answer key to use the check their work.
I used this over multiple years of teaching Algebra 2.
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Domain Range Finder Foldable (PDF)
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