DIX ROY Acronym for Domain and Range
This year I’m trying the DIX ROY acronym to hopefully help my Algebra 2 students remember the difference between domain and range!

D – Domain
I – Inputs
X – X-Coordinates
R – Range
O – Outputs
Y – Y-Coordinates
Last year, my students had a TERRIBLE time remembering the difference between domain and range. This summer, at the amazing Common Core Training I received from the Oklahoma Geometry and Algebra Project (OGAP), I was introduced to an amazing resource–Shmoop. They have amazing commentary for each and every high school common core math standard! I learned about the DIXROY acronym from their commentary on F-IF.1.
I was able to re-use the domain/range notation foldable that I created last year for my Algebra 2 students. My students were VERY confused by the different notations. I haven’t yet figured out a way to introduce these notations without overwhelming my students. They recovered, eventually.