Monday Must Reads: Volume 61

It’s Monday Must Reads Day! For me, it’s the last Monday of summer break. Next Monday, I report for our first PD Day of the year, and students start on that Thursday (August 15th). For weeks now, I’ve been trying to wrap my mind around the fact that this will be my 8th year in the classroom. Time really does fly when you’re having the time of your life teaching math!

To help get me in the going back to school mood, I thought I’d compile one last summer volume of Monday Must Reads. Typically, I tend to post these a bit more frequently during the school year (since you all are sharing the amazing things you are doing in your classroom at a much higher frequency), so I look forward to that! Monday Must Reads is my attempt to capture the amazingness of math teachers on twitter by sharing the ideas that inspire me the most here on my blog. I hope that you take away at least a few ideas that you can use in your own classroom. And, hopefully you find a few new math teachers to follow on twitter as well!

Monday Must Reads

Phone Call Graph

Sharee Hebert shares a great real-world graph. Would your students know what happened in 2012?

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Topology Map of USA

The Mathematical Association of America offers an intriguing introduction to topology through this rather creative map of the United States!

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Dunkin Donuts Graph

SmirkyGraphs shares an interesting map/graph that caught my eye while scrolling through Twitter!

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Percent Conversation Starter

Teaching percentages? You might want to use this picture from Mr. Foster as a conversation starter.

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Exponent Puzzle

Also from Mr Foster, check out this exponent puzzle.

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Quarter the Cross Card Sort

Amie Albrecht shares some great Quarter the Cross student work AND a card sort!

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Gerrymandering Font

I’ve seen quite a few math lessons recently tackle the topic of gerrymandering. Check out this font from Ugly Gerry.

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I Can’t Bulletin Board

nhoiten has her students bury the phrase “I can’t” at the beginning of the school year. I think that’s awesome, and I love the resulting bulletin board!

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Square Pi Puzzle Extensions

RupeleMx recently challenged his students in Mexico with the Square Pi Puzzle. I love how he also captured the other figures they ended up creating.

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What a Mathematician Looks Like

Meredith Webster shares a new poster she made for the hall of what mathematicians can look like. The center is a mirror!

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Quadratic Formula Cupcakes

Emma Breese inspires with quadratic formula cupcakes!

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Alternative to Ten Frames

Familiar with ten frames? Check out these Hungarian 10-Boards shared by Bernie Westacott.

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Triangle Artwork

Have you ever seen so many lovely shapes made out of 30-60-90 right triangles? Thanks goosegirl for sharing your students’ awesome work!

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Clocks and Number Lines

Claire Mulhern shares a way to connect the concept of a clock with a number line!

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State Graph Poster

Amy Haskins shares a picture of a poster she received. Graphing your state could make for a very cool cross-curricular project!

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Jumbo Table of Contents

Ms Hinchman keeps students organized with a jumbo table of contents for them to reference. How cool is this?!?

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First Day of School Stations

Ella Hereth‘s first day of school sneak peek has me so excited! I can’t wait to hear all about it!

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Sheep Statistics

These facts about sheep from the Australian Bureau of Statistics could make for some interesting word problems!

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Giant Origami

Giant origami as part of a math lesson? Count me in! Check out this idea from ML.

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Life Sized Graphing

Collette Hauge inspires with some giant hall graphing.

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Balloon Statistics

Mean deviation with water balloons sounds like a lesson from Teacher Tiliches that students will not soon forget.

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Algebra 1 WODBs

Amanda Howard shares some WODBs she created for her Algebra 1 classes.

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Geometric Puzzles Collection

Ed Southall‘s Instagram Archive of Geometric Puzzles is a thing of beauty!

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Statistics WODB

S Leigh Nataro shares some WODBs she has created for AP Statistics.

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Digital Prime

David Butler shares a fun prime number fact.

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Fraction Talk

David‘s tweets always push me to expand my own understanding of mathematics. This fraction talk he had with his daughter blew my mind.

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4D Tic-Tac-Toe

Though, this 4-D Noughts and Crosses (Tic-Tac-Toe) might do my head in!

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Protractor with Transparency

Teaching geometry? Druin created a large protractor printed on transparency paper to match the small protractors she provides students with (also printed on transparencies).

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Math Door Decoration

And, check out Druin‘s awesome door decoration. I got to see it in person last week, and it is gorgeous!

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Overlapping Area

How would your students handle this area question from Sudeep?

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Colorku Game

This Colorku game looks like a great addition to any math classroom. Check out how Katie Johnson uses it.

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Introducing Domain Restrictions

I LOVE this prompt from Melissa Copland to introduce domain restrictions.

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Bad Graph

Need some “bad graphs” for your students to analyze? Look no further than Bill the Lizard‘s twitter account! Here’s just one example.

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Bad Pie Chart

Dorsa Amir shares what is, by far, one of the worst pie charts I have ever seen.

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Optical Illusion Display

Micah Hudson suggests posting optical illusions in the hall for students to look at during passing periods.

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Interesting Graph

Derek Thompson points us toward an intriguing graph of how couples meet.

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Systems of Inequalities with Sheet Protectors

Cara Daley shares a clever way to illustrate systems of inequalities using sheet protectors.

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Until next time, keep sharing your awesome ideas!

Want even more ideas? I suggest checking out previous volumes of Monday Must Reads!  

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