
Winter Math Activities and Puzzles

Looking to celebrate the winter season in your math classroom? Check out this collection of winter math activities and puzzles to bring some wintry fun inside!

snowscape picture with text "winter math activities and puzzles"

Winter Puzzles

If you’ve been around my blog long enough, you will know that I LOVE math puzzles. I hope you will enjoy this collection of winter math puzzles.

Penguin Hidoku Puzzles

penguin hidoku logic puzzle.

These free printable penguin-shaped hidoku puzzles are the perfect winter logic puzzles for your classroom!

Snowflake Square Edge Matching Puzzle

snowflake square edge matching puzzle.

Can you rebuild the 3 x 3 square so that snowflake images are formed in this snowflake square edge matching puzzle?

Winter Sudoku Puzzles – 4×4 Puzzles with Pictures

Winter Sudoku 4 x 4 for kids free printable pdf.

Kids will enjoy solving these 4×4 winter sudoku puzzles with pictures.

Winter Sudoku Puzzles – 6×6 Puzzles with Winter Words

easy winter sudoku puzzle with words free printable pdf.

Can you solve these 6×6 winter sudoku puzzles which each feature a different word related to the winter season?

Snow Day Hidoku Logic Puzzles

snow day hidoku logic puzzle.

I’m snowed in today, so I decided to create this set of Snow Day Hidoku Logic Puzzles to share! I hope you enjoy solving these on your next snow day!

Penguin Pentomino Puzzle

penguin pentominoes puzzle

Students will enjoy using a set of 12 pentominoes to build the shape of a penguin.

Snowflake Puzzle

snowflake puzzle

This Snowflake puzzle is one of my favorite winter puzzles. Can you place the snowflakes on the grid so that each row and column contain an even (not odd) number of snowflakes?

Winter Word Path Grid Puzzle

winter word path grid puzzle.

Can you find the nine hidden words related to winter in this word path grid puzzle?

Snow Day Word Search Puzzle

snow day word search puzzle.

Here’s a fun snow day themed word search to enjoy on your next day off due to the winter weather!

Snowman Mazes

snowman mazes.

Can you solve this printable snowman maze that is perfect for the winter season? It is a free download with seven different levels of difficulty to choose from.

Winter Fill-In Puzzle

winter fill-in logic puzzle activity with snowy tree in background.

Can you place each of the winter words into this free printable Winter Fill-In Word Puzzle?

Winter Triples Puzzle

winter triples puzzle hanging under sign which reads "puzzle of the week"

In this fun winter word puzzle, you are challenged to arrange the letter trio cards to spell a variety of winter related words.

Mitten Hidoku Puzzles

mitten hidoku puzzle instructions.

These free printable mitten hidoku puzzles are the perfect logic puzzles to enjoy during the winter.

Snow Globe Math Puzzle

snowglobe snowman math puzzle.

Math with P Nik shares an excellent snow globe math puzzle involving snow people that must be reassembled so that the sum of the numbers in the snow person’s body equals the number printed on their hat.

Snowman Geometry Puzzle

Snowman Circle Puzzle from Ed Southall

In this geometric snowman puzzle from Ed Southall, you are challenged to find the radius of the smallest circle which makes up the snowman’s head.

Snowman WODB Puzzle

snowman next to letters wodb.

Luke Walsh shares an image of a winter-themed giftbag which makes an excellent WODB (Which One Doesn’t Belong?) Puzzle.

Which snow person does not belong?

Snowflake WODB Puzzle 1

scissors cutting paper snowflake.

Ilona Vashchyshyn uses paper snowflakes to create a fun WODB (Which One Doesn’t Belong?) Puzzle.

This would be fun to do with student-created snowflakes.

Snowflake WODB Puzzle 2

snowflake puzzle wodb puzzle.

NOMA Math shares a WODB puzzle with 4 snowflake clipart images.

Which snowflake doesn’t belong?

Snowman Language Puzzle


Miss Hughes shares an excellent little puzzle involving the snowman language.

Winter Math Activities

This post contains winter math activities for middle school math, Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, Precalculus, and Calculus.

Middle School Math and Algebra

Winter Mystery Coordinate Plane Activity with Tangram Puzzle

snowman tangram puzzle on coordinate plane from winter mystery tangram puzzle 

Students must graph the given ordered pairs and connect them in the order given. When the points are connected, a mystery picture will be revealed that students must then build using a standard set of tangrams.

This puzzle combines two of my favorite things: math activities and puzzles!

Solving Equations Snowball Fight Activity

solving equations snowball fight activity

Turn your classroom into a snowball fight. Students will be begging to solve more equations so they can throw more snowballs.


Reviewing Geometry Vocabulary with Snowflakes

snowflakes on blue background.

Tina Cardone suggests using the process of teaching students to create paper snowflakes to teach or review geometric vocabulary terms.

Snowflake Geometric Construction Project

point of geometric compass on snowflake background.

Stephen Caviness has his students practice their compass and straightedge skills by constructing beautiful snowflake images.

Snow Angle Assignment

snow angle.

Have a snow day? Challenge your students to make and photograph “snow angles” instead of “snow angels.”

Algebra 2 and Precalculus

Conic Section Snowman Art

example of conic section snowman project.

Austin James embraces the wintery weather by assigning students to make snowman art using conic sections in Desmos.


Winter Slope Field Activity

snowman slope field activity for calculus.

Make practicing slope fields fun with this snowman-themed slope field assignment for calculus!

Winter Games

Snowflake Dots and Boxes Game

snowflake dots and boxes game for winter.

Add some fun to your snow day or classroom with this winter-themed dots and boxes game.

Winter Dots and Boxes Game

winter dots and boxes game - free printable pdf download.

Bring some winter fun to your classroom with this seasonal version of the classic dots and boxes game.

Winter Tic Tac Toe Game Printable

winter tic tac toe game board printable.

Looking for a fun game to add to your winter celebration? I recommend checking out this free printable winter tic tac toe game.

Other Fun Winter Activities

Desmos Snowflake Magnets

snowflake magnet.

Eniola Ajayi takes the snowflakes generated by students with Steve Phelps’ Desmos Snowflake Generator and turns them into beautiful snowflake magnets for students to keep.

Snow Day Prediction Calendar

calendar with question mark on it with snow in background.

If you teach in an area that has snow days, you might want to challenge students to predict when the first snow day of the year will be like Liz Mastalio.

Borax Snowflakes

borax snowflake ornaments

Christmas might be over, but winter is still the perfect time to make borax snowflakes. Pictures do not do these sparkly snowflakes justice!

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