
Christmas Math Activities and Puzzles

Bring some Christmas joy to your classroom or party with this collection of free printable Christmas math puzzles and activities.

Keep reading to find a variety of Christmas logic puzzles, crafts, and hands-on puzzles involving tangrams or pentominoes.

christmas math activities

Christmas Math Lessons

Christmas Mystery Tangram Coordinate Plane Activity

christmas mystery tangram coordinate plane activity

This Christmas Mystery Tangram Puzzle combines two favorite math activities into one. This printable Christmas puzzle will have students both practicing plotting ordered pairs on the coordinate plane and solving a fun tangram puzzle using the resulting outline from the plotted ordered pairs.

Christmas-Themed Parabola Graph Matching Activity

christmas tree made with seven parabola graphs

Students must match the equations of the parabolas with their graphs in order to decorate the tree. What a great task from Math with P. Nik!

Piecewise Function Christmas Tree Graphing

clipart christmas tree on top of graph paper

Do your students need some practice graphing piecewise functions? Challenge them to graph a Christmas Tree in Desmos!

Christmas Themed Desmos Marbleslides Graphing Challenge

christmas marbleslides desmos challenge from paul jorgens.

Looking to reinforce your students’ equation writing skills during this Christmas season? Challenge them with this Desmos Christmas Marbleslides Graphing Challenge from Paul Jorgens!

Christmas Factor Trees

christmas factor tree

Your students will be singing “Oh Factor Tree, Oh Factor Tree…” when you get them making their factor trees in the shape of Christmas Trees!

Surface Area and Volume Gingerbread House Project

clipart image of gingerbread house with candy canes in background

Carol Anderson shares a fun-looking lesson that involves surface area and volume combined with building gingerbread houses.

Holiday Exponent Problems

christmas exponents problem fa(la)^8

Students use their knowledge of exponents to figure out which holiday exponent problems are correct and which are incorrect.

Winter Slope Field Activity

snowman in front of mathematical background

Teaching slope fields in calculus? When students draw in the solution curves, it will create a fun winter themed picture for them to decorate.

Arithmetic Sequences/Series Christmas Decorating Task

christmas tree made out of handprints

Can your students use their knowledge of arithmetic sequences/series to solve a real-world problem about building a Christmas tree display out of handprints?

Desmos Gingerbread House Activity

black line clipart of gingerbread house on top of graph paper.

Natalie McCrady inspires with an activity that involves using equations to graph a gingerbread house in Desmos. After students are done, they create a real-life version complete with candy decorations. How fun!

Malia Heimbach does a similar activity with students and shares some awesome laser-printed ornaments that a neighbor created for her students with the winning gingerbread house designs.

Christmas Puzzles

Christmas Tree Integer Addition Puzzles

Christmas Tree Integer Addition Puzzle on Green Clipboard. with bubble of text "integer version"

Put your integer skills to the test to find the missing numbers to complete each of these Christmas Tree Integer Addition Puzzles.

Christmas Tree Hidoku Puzzles

christmas tree hidoku logic puzzles.

Have some logic puzzle fun this Christmas season with these free printable Christmas tree shaped hidoku puzzles!

Reindeer Pentominoes Puzzle

pentominoes reindeer puzzle

This reindeer pentominoes puzzle is the second addition to my growing collection of Christmas-themed pentominoes puzzles for the classroom. My students love pentominoes puzzles, and I think your students will love these puzzles as well!

Checkered Ornament Puzzle

checkered ornament christmas puzzle

Arrange the given pieces to decorate the ornament with a checkered pattern. This puzzle I created a few years ago now is trickier than it might first appear!

Christmas Sudoku Puzzles – 4×4 Puzzles with Christmas Pictures

Christmas Kids Sudoku 4 x 4 with Pictures.

Children will love solving these 4×4 Christmas sudoku puzzles with pictures.

Christmas Sudoku Puzzles – 6×6 Puzzles with Christmas Words

christmas sudoku 6x6 puzzles with words.

Can you solve these 6×6 Christmas sudoku puzzles which each feature a different word related to the holiday season?

Penguin Pentominoes Puzzle

penguin pentominoes puzzle

Can you arrange a set of twelve pentominoes to form the shape of a penguin?

Reindeer Logic Puzzle

reindeer logic puzzle

This reindeer logic puzzle is perfect for bringing a bit of Christmas cheer into your classroom. Students are given seven statements about Santa’s reindeer who have run a race. They must use logical reasoning to determine the order in which the reindeer finished the race.

Christmas Tree Pentominoes Puzzle

christmas tree pentominoes puzzle.

Help bring some festive puzzling spirit to your classroom with this pentominoes Christmas tree puzzle. My students love pentominoes puzzles, and I think your students will love these puzzles as well!

Decorate the Tree Christmas Puzzle

decorate the christmas tree puzzle

This Decorate the Christmas Tree Puzzle was my first ever original puzzle that I made for my classroom. Since then, it has been used in hundreds of math classrooms across the country!

Christmas Prime Tree Puzzle

christmas prime tree puzzle from luke janicke

Luke Janicke shares a clever Christmas-themed prime number puzzle. Can you fill in the stars with digits so that each line in the tree forms a different prime number?

Christmas Tree Addition Puzzles

christmas tree addition puzzle - level 5 in binder.

Put your addition and logical thinking skills to the test to find the missing numbers to complete each of these Christmas Tree Addition Puzzles.

Holiday Triples Puzzle

holiday triples word puzzle

Can you combine the letter trio cards to spell out some words associated with Christmas? Each trio of letters will be used exactly one time.

Christmas Word Path Grid Puzzle

Christmas Word Path Grid Puzzle with snowflakes in background.

Can you find the nine hidden words in this fun Christmas word puzzle?

Christmas Fill-In Puzzle

Christmas Fill-In Word Puzzle.

Can you place each of the Christmas words into this free printable Christmas Fill-In Word Puzzle?

Christmas Tree Square Edge Matching Puzzle

Christmas Tree Logic Puzzle.

This fun Christmas Tree Square Edge Matching Puzzle challenges you to assemble the pieces to form a 3×3 square where the pieces match along each edge to form Christmas trees.

Christmas Mazes

Christmas Star Maze

christmas star maze with red paper in background.

Can you solve this free printable Christmas star maze? It is a free download with ten different levels of difficulty to choose from.

Christmas Tree Maze

christmas tree maze free printable pdf

I’m sure this free printable Christmas tree maze will help make your holiday merry and bright. This printable Christmas maze comes in 10 different levels of difficulty.

Christmas Stocking Mazes

christmas stocking maze on clipboard.

This free printable Christmas stocking maze is sure to bring you some Christmas cheer! This printable Christmas maze comes in 10 different levels of difficulty.

Christmas Games and Activities

Drawing on Your Head Christmas Game

drawing of christmas tree on dry erase board with text "drawing on your head christmas game" 

Looking for a fun Christmas game? Check out this drawing on your head Christmas challenge. The original challenge called for the participants to draw on a paper plate on top of their heads, but I switched things up and had my students draw on individual dry erase boards.

Christmas Tree Dots and Boxes Game

Christmas Tree dots and boxes game.

Add some fun to your Christmas celebration with this seasonal version of the classic dots and boxes game.

Christmas Tree Nim Game

text of "christmas tree nim" on background of drawn christmas trees

The classic game of nim gets a fun seasonal twist in the form of a Christmas tree shaped playing board!

Strategy Games for Student Christmas Gifts

brown burlap gift on christmas stripe background

Mrs. Allan suggests a great way to use a strategy game (Mulinello Quadrupio) to create a meaningful present for all of the students in her homeroom class.

Christmas Math Art Activities

Math Vocabulary Christmas Ornament Project

close-up of red ornament on christmas tree with text "math vocabulary christmas ornament project" 

Check out these math vocabulary Christmas ornaments that my Algebra 2 students created. Each student was assigned a different math vocabulary word that we studied during the first semester.

Icosahedron Ornament Balls Tutorial

two icosahedron ornament balls setting on table in classroom 

These Icosahedron Ornament Balls can be made using scrapbook paper or old Christmas cards. They make the perfect winter craft!

Borax Snowflake Christmas Ornaments

borax snowflake ornaments

One of my most favorite projects was these Borax Snowflake Christmas Ornaments that I made a few years ago with my chemistry students with coffee filters. The ornaments are super glittery and sparkly in person.

Triangular Christmas Trees

triangular christmas tree

These triangular christmas trees from Mark Ekstrom are beautiful! They are based on a tutorial from Martha Stewart.

Parabolic Tangent Line Christmas Tree Craft

christmas tree background with text "parabolic tangent line christmas tree craft" .

These Christmas trees made with string, nails, and a piece of wood look so cool!

Quarter the Cross Laminated Ornaments

quarter the cross ornaments.

After having your students participate in Quarter the Cross (an excellent fraction task!), you could laminate their creations and turn them into Christmas ornaments!

See this post by Mark Kaercher for inspiration!

Christmas Classroom Decorating Ideas

Mathematical Christmas Display

mathematical christmas display

This inspiring mathematical Christmas display from James Welham includes Sierpinski trees, Koch snowflakes, and student-created origami.

Math Door Decorating Ideas

Science Christmas Decorating Ideas

christmas tree on science background.

Clemens Science – Bio-lo-trees

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