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Growth Mindset Quiz Foldable

I want to share a growth mindset quiz foldable I created to use with my students at the beginning of the year.

hand holding small piece of paper with question mark on it. text reads "growth mindset quiz"

This past school year, we focused on growth mindset for Day 2.  We talked through SBG and how we learn math.

How to Learn Math Bulletin Board - SBG Standards Based Grading Bulletin Board

I introduced my controversial A/B/Not Yet grading scale.  Any assignment or test that is not A or B quality must be redone until it is A or B quality.

A B Not Yet Grading Scale

We also talked about the way our words affect our mindset.

Change Your Words - Change Your Mindset - Growth Mindset Bulletin Board

At the end of Day 1, I had had students fill out a tweet strip describing what they believed intelligence to be.

Intelligence Is... Tweet Strip

Next was my favorite activity: a growth mindset quiz.  I stole heavily from several other quizzes I found online.  And, I combined several of these sources into a booklet foldable for students to glue in their interactive notebooks.

On the outside was a quiz that asked students to SA – Strongly Agree, A – Agree, D – Disagree, or SD – Strongly Disagree with each statement.

Growth Mindset Quiz Foldable for Interactive Notebooks

Inside the foldable, students found a scoring key.

Growth Mindset Quiz Foldable for Interactive Notebooks

Students added up their total scores and determined their current mindset from the score.

To emphasize that this is only their CURRENT mindset, I had them list three things they thought they could do to change their mindset.

Growth Mindset Quiz Foldable for Interactive Notebooks

I also included a fixed mindset/growth mindset graphic I stole from the internet.

Fixed vs Growth Mindset Chart

I had my student aide pre-crease all of the foldables so students couldn’t see the scoring information inside.

Growth Mindset Quiz Foldable for Interactive Notebooks

Free Download of Growth Mindset Quiz Foldable

Growth Mindset Quiz Foldable (PDF) (1342 downloads )

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  1. Hi there, I have stumbled across your blog and I love it. I am from New Zealand. I enjoying seeing how other countries teach. Could you explain your tweet activites for me please

  2. Hi there, I have stumbled across your blog and I love it. I am from New Zealand. I enjoying seeing how other countries teach. Could you explain your tweet activites for me please

  3. I am using so many of your ideas for the upcoming school year. Thank you so much for sharing so many of your amazing ideas. I am hoping for a great year.

  4. If a student initially gets a score that shows “Strong Growth Mindset”, would they still answer the the question of three things I can do to change my mindset?

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