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SBG Score Tracking Sheets in INB

This year was my first foray into Standards Based Grading (SBG).  I did this only with my Algebra 2 students.  We began SBG in Unit 4.  And, I required them to track their scores on each learning goal for Units 4-6.  Units 7-8 were rushed due to impending state testing, and I didn’t do as good of a job with them as I should have.

For Unit 4 and 5, I required students to write out the learning goals for themselves.  For Unit 6, I typed out the learning goals for them, and they only had to fill in their scores.

When I made the transition in January to 0 or 100 grading on the INBs, it was partially out of my frustration of students not keeping track of their scores as they should.  When I only knocked 10 points off their grade for not filling out the sheet, most students didn’t fill out the sheet.  When I gave them a 0 for their notebook grade until the sheet was filled out, students actually started keeping up with their scores!

There is a story and a student behind each and every one of these score tracking sheets.  I’m not sure if these will be of interest to anybody but myself, but I present to you a sampling of SBG tracking sheets.

Example of SBG Score Tracking Sheet in Interactive Notebook.
Example of SBG Score Tracking Sheet in Interactive Notebook.
Example of SBG Score Tracking Sheet in Interactive Notebook.
Example of SBG Score Tracking Sheet in Interactive Notebook.
Example of SBG Score Tracking Sheet in Interactive Notebook.
Example of SBG Score Tracking Sheet in Interactive Notebook.
Example of SBG Score Tracking Sheet in Interactive Notebook.

More Standards-Based Grading (SBG) Resources


Sunday 31st of January 2016

Do you have a .pub or .pdf of your blank tracking sheet posted somewhere?


Saturday 23rd of August 2014

I am a Filipino teacher, i really admire the support you are getting from your school, government and peers. how I wish we can experience that also, here in the Philippines to motivate more our students to learn and to really improve the quality of their education.


Saturday 23rd of August 2014

Hello, Ms. Sarah first of all thanks for all the valuable information you have shared, you are truly an inspirational teacher! Just one question to ask please, how many item do you usually have in your quiz to assess one learning goal? tnx and more power!

Sarah Carter (@mathequalslove)

Saturday 23rd of August 2014

Thank you for your kind words! Last year, my quizzes normally had 2-3 questions per learning goal. Hope this helps!


Tuesday 1st of July 2014

Question? - what do the columns stand for? Thanks.

Sarah Carter (@mathequalslove)

Sunday 6th of July 2014

Hey Julie! The 1/2/3/4 columns stand for the score my students' received on their quizzes. 4 - PERFECT 3 - Small Mistake 2 - Big Mistake 1 - Did something right 0.5 - Attempted the Problem 0 - Did not attempt the problem

Type-A MathLand

Friday 16th of May 2014

It is all about consistency! I started off so well with my charting and totally dropped the ball the last few units. Still tweaking my organization. I've pretty much moved tests to using google forms and now I've figured out how to do detailed excel printouts of results from the students so I think that will help with turn around. I just have such a hard time giving up class time. I'm going to do a post about it soon.

Sarah Carter (@mathequalslove)

Monday 19th of May 2014

Looking forward to your post!

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